
A simple lightweight aid that makes knitting easier.

Join thousands of people around the world who use the Knitting Aid to create amazing things.

Helpful for beginners, children, arthritis, strokes, dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and more…

The Knitting Aid is designed to work with any straight needle, so you don’t have to buy new ones. The beads slide over your needles and create a pair of ball joints. This is where the magic happens. The ball joints allow you to move your needles in any direction. Meaning, that you can knit any stitch.

Most importantly, because the ball joints are holding your needles you can let go and they won’t drop. This means you need less strength and dexterity in your hands which makes the Knitting Aid perfect for people with arthritis, dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis or anyone that just needs a helping hand. Finally, the best feature of the Knitting Aid is that it’s symmetrical. This means at the end of the row when it’s time to swap your needles, you can just turn it over and you’re ready to start again.